Sunday, April 17, 2011

andai LELaki TAhu...

Andai lelaki tahu..

by Teh Azra on Friday, March 18, 2011 at 6:11pm
Andainya lelaki tahu..
Apabila seorang perempuan jatuh cinta,
lelaki itu tidak semestinya punya segalanya
tetapi lelaki itu adalah segalanya di hatinya.

Andainya lelaki tahu..
Apabila seorang perempuan itu mengalirkan air mata,
itu bukan bermakna dia lemah,
tetapi dia sedang mencari kekuatan
untuk terus tabah menyintai lelaki itu.

Andainya lelaki tahu..
Apabila seorang perempuan marah,
memang dia tidak mampu mengawal perasaannya
tapi percayalah, itulah maknanya
dia sangat mengambil berat dan menyayangi lelaki itu.

Lihat saja pasangan yang baru bercinta, mereka jarang bergaduh.
Tetapi percayalah semakin bertambah sayang mereka pada seseorang,
semakin pula banyak pertelingkahan yang berlaku.

Andainya lelaki tahu..
Apabila perempuan bercakap banyak,
dia tidak pernah bermaksud untuk membuat anda rimas,
tapi dia mahu lelaki mengenalinya dengan lebih dekat.

Andainya lelaki tahu..
Apabila perempuan berkata dia mahu anda berubah,
itu bukan bermakna dia tidak mahu menerima anda seadanya,
tetapi dia mahu menjadikan anda lebih baik,
bukan untuk dirinya,
tetapi untuk masa depan anda.

Andai lelaki tahu..
Apabila perempuan cemburu dan tidak percayakan anda,
bukan bermakna dia tidak sayang..
tetapi dia terlalu sayangkan anda
dan masih menganggap anda anak kecil
yang masih memerlukan sepenuh perhatian.

Kadang2 dia terlalu risau sekiranya terlalu percaya,
anda akan mengkhianati kepercayaan yang diberi.
Naluri keibuannya sangat kuat.
Dia hanya mahukan yang terbaik untuk anda.

Andai lelaki tahu..
Apabila perempuan merajuk,
jangan kata dia mengada-ngada.
Dia bukannya mahu dipujuk dengan wang ringgit
atau hadiah sedozen,
tetapi cukup dengan perhatian
yang boleh buat perempuan rasa dihargai.

Andai lelaki tahu..
Apabila perempuan jarang mengatakan ‘i love u’,
itu tidak bermaksud dia tidak menyintai
tetapi dia mahu lelaki itu merasai sendiri cintanya,
bukan hanya hadir dari kata-kata
tetapi juga melalui bahasa tubuhnya.

Andai lelaki tahu..
Apabila perempuan kata dia rindu sama kamu,
dia benar-benar maksudkannya.
Apabila berjauhan, bayanganmu akan sentiasa bermain di mata.

Andai lelaki tahu..
Apabila perempuan kata lelaki lain itu lebih baik dari kamu,
jangan percaya kata-katanya
kerana dia hanya mahu menguji kamu.
Dia mahu melihat sejauh mana kamu sanggup menjadi yang terbaik di matanya.
Walaupun sebenarnya memang kamulah yang terbaik di hatinya.

Selagi dia dengan kamu, percayalah,
walaupun perempuan menganggap masih ramai lagi yang lebih baik di matanya
tetapi di hatinya, kamu tetap yang terbaik.

Andai lelaki tahu..
Apabila perempuan menjadi degil,
dia bukan bermaksud untuk menjadi degil
tapi dia mahu melihat
sejauh mana lelaki itu mampu bersabar dengan kerenahnya.

Percayalah, hati perempuan itu sangat lembut.
Andai kena caranya,
jangan terkejut kalau akhirnya dia menukar fikirannya dalam masa sesaat.

Andai lelaki tahu..
Apabila perempuan berkata,
“tolong tinggalkan saya!”,
dia tidak bermaksud menyuruh anda pergi selamanya.
Dia hanya mahu menenangkan fikirannya sebentar saja.

Apabila dia kembali tenang,
percayalah dia akan mencari anda semula.
Itu tandanya dia benar-benar menyintai anda.
Perempuan sukar untuk mengawal perasaan.
Dia terlalu emosional.
Tapi dialah yang paling menyayangi anda
dan sangat sensitif dengan perubahan pada diri anda.

Andai lelaki tahu..
Sememangnya Allah menciptakan lelaki dan perempuan itu
dengan perbezaan yang tersendiri.
Tetapi sekiranya mereka saling memahami,
mereka akan saling melengkapi dan menyempurnakan.

Perempuan itu diciptakan oleh Allah indah sekali.
Di sebalik air matanya,
tersimpan seribu satu kekuatan
yang bakal menjadikan seorang lelaki itu merasa selamat bersamanya.

Biarpun zahirnya perempuan itu tampak lemah
tapi dia punya kekuatan tersendiri
yang bisa menggoncang dunia
dan mungkin bisa pula membuat lelaki menjadi lemah kerananya.

Jadi hargailah kehadiran seorang perempuan dalam hidup anda
kerana dia didatangkan bukan dengan kelemahan sahaja
tetapi dia juga ada kekuatan untuk menyokong anda
dan membuatkan hidup anda lebih sempurna.
Dialah yang bakal menjadi perempuan bekerjaya, isteri juga ibu
yang terbaik untuk anak2 anda.

:: copycate from someone n been edited . thanks 4 someone ::

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

...usia iNI miLIK ILAHI....


Detik ini kupatri janji, untuk lebih menikmati…
Desir dedaunan ditiup angin malam…
Bersama deruan membelah kesunyian…
Bauan enak dari ayam panggang di dalam ketuhar…
Harum aroma dari secawan kopi hangat…
Menghidu nyaman buah-buahan segar.

Detik ini kupatri janji, untuk lebih menghayati….
Kegigihan sekawan semut menghurung seketul kecil serbuk roti…
Kicauan beburung mencari rezeki dinihari…
Suam-suam terik mentari di musim dingin bersalji…
Layangan lembut sehelai daun ditiup bayu pagi.

Detik ini kupatri janji, untuk lebih menghargai…
Bening mata insan-insan tercinta…
Tangan kecil mengharap dipimpin…
Tangan besar meminta dibelai…
Senyum manja, hilai tawa, tangis hiba…
Bersilih ganti menggugah rasa.

Kuyakini, setiap satu ada nilai tersendiri…
Walau ia mungkin tidak beerti apa-apa pada sesiapa…
Namun padaku, semua itu menambah ‘hidup’ pada kehidupanku...

Selagi ada masa…
Akan kucuba untuk mengotakan kata-kata…
Bahawa setiap ‘mereka’ penting dan berjasa…
Agar tidak kukesali apa yang tidak dapat kunikmati…
Agar tidak kukesali apa yang tidak dapat kuhayati…
Agar tidak kukesali apa yang tidak dapat kuhargai…
Kerana kuinsafi, usia ini milik ILAHI.

Mencari dan terus mencari cinta ILAHI.

Jumpa lagi, InsyaALLAH.

detik ini

saat n ketika ini..aku masih lgi cuba tok mengulngkaji my lesson for the final exam..huhu...bukn nk ckp ak ni budak rajin tp tue happened cmni bila last minutes study..hehheh...biasalh...ak ni nth la x leh sgt nk stdy kan ak ni..korunk jgn tiru cm dri ku lau bab ni okies..klu bab yg baik2 n benefit kat korunk..nk tiru tue tiru la..ak x kisah...hehhe....

owhhhhhh...kul 9 paper yg after that ader gap almost one week to the next paper..which means the last paper for dis semester..lepas tuh..horreyyyyyyyyyyy....hbis da exam menndakn hbislah sem dua thun tiga...

then..bila da hbis thun sem is da fourth year da ak study kt my lovely university...huhuhu..jap jer sem tuh means buln 7 thun ni la jgk..n insyaallah ak akn grad buln 4 next year...doakn dri ku yea...hehehhe....

ok2..ckup for entry kli ni..nk sambung study la....esok exam weiiiiiiii..hehheh...peace no war..selmat beramal...slmt mlm tp ak rase ni cm da pagi..mklum la jam kat lappy ak ni menunjukkn da pukul 4.29 pagi..huhuhu..k.....

Monday, March 21, 2011

...mY Art WoRk...tyme borinG...

kain alas par hantaran..ori from me...nk beli mahl n x puas buat la sendri..n ni la hasilnyer..budget x mhl pon..siket jer..

 bunga ros made dgn kertas

hiasan dinding..hehheh..saje jer buat tok letak kat dinding umah....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


assalamualaikum....huhu..entry kali ni ku nk menyentuh sal kebahagiaan...hehehe..kebahgiaan bg ku nth la..aku definasikan " NO PAIN"...huhuhu..nth btul ker x definasi yg ku berikan..bukn aper..ku rase x nk da susuah2 ni..nk senng2 jer wen nk dptkn sesuatu..hahhaha...demand x dri ku..x kowt...cuma tue la....hope my life get blessing from god.tht the most happiness in life klu dpt benda tue...huhuhu..sama2 la kita doakn okies....

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Massive earthquake hits Japan

An 8.9-magnitude earthquake hit off the east coast of Japan early today. The quake -- one of the largest in recorded history -- triggered a 23-foot tsunami that battered Japan's coast, killing hundreds and sweeping away cars, homes, buildings, and boats. Editors note: we'll post more as the story develops -- Lloyd Young (47 photos total)

Houses swallowed by tsunami waves burn in Natori, Miyagi Prefecture (state) after Japan was struck by a strong earthquake off its northeastern coast Friday, March 11. (Kyodo News/Associated Press)

A tsumani triggered by a powerful earthquake makes its way to sweep part of Sendai airport in northern Japan on Friday March 11, 2011. The magnitude 8.9 earthquake slammed Japan's eastern coast Friday, unleashing a 13-foot (4-meter) tsunami that swept boats, cars, buildings and tons of debris miles inland. (Kyodo News/Associated Press) #

Sendai Airport is surrounded by waters in Miyagi prefecture (state), Japan, after a ferocious tsunami spawned by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded slammed Japan's eastern coast Friday, March 11, 2011. (Kyodo News/Associated Press) #

Evacuees stand around Shinjuku Central Park in Tokyo Japan March 11, 2011. A massive 8.9 magnitude quake hit northeast Japan on Friday, causing many injuries, fires and a ten-metre (33-ft) tsunami along parts of the country's coastline. A tsunami warning has been issued for the entire Pacific basin except for the mainland United States and Canada following a huge earthquake that hit Japan on Friday, the Pacific (Reuters) #

Light planes and vehicles sit among the debris after they were swept by a tsumani that struck Sendai airport in northern Japan. (Kyodo News/Associated Press) #

Houses are swept by a tsunami in Natori City in northeastern Japan March 11, 2011. A massive 8.9 magnitude quake hit northeast Japan on Friday, causing many injuries, fires and a ten-metre (33-ft) tsunami along parts of the country's coastline. There were several strong aftershocks and a warning of a 10-metre tsunami following the quake, which also caused buildings to shake violently in the capital Tokyo. (Reuters) #

A massive tsunami sweeps in to engulf a residential area after a powerful earthquake in Natori, Miyagi Prefecture in northeastern Japan. (Reuters) #

Reporters at the Associated Press Tokyo Bureau in Tokyo take shelter under a table while a strong earthquake strikes eastern Japan. (Itsuo Inouye/Assoctiated Press) #

People take shelter as a ceiling collapses in a bookstore during an earthquake in Sendai, northeastern Japan March 11. (Reuters) #

Tsunami swirls near a port in Oarai, Ibaraki Prefecture (state) after Japan was struck by a strong earthquake off its northeastern coast Friday, March 11. (Kyodo News/Associated Press) #

Seismologists pose for the media as they display a seismographic graph showing the magnitude of the earthquake in Japan, on a monitor at the British Geological Survey office in Edinburgh, Scotland March 11, 2011. The biggest earthquake on record to hit Japan struck the northeast coast on Friday, triggering a 10-metre tsunami that swept away everything in its path, including houses, ships, cars and farm buildings. (David Moir/Reuters) #

An energy map provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows the intensity of the tsunami caused by the magnitude 8.9 earthquake which struck Japan on March 11, 2011. A tsunami warning has been issued for the entire Pacific basin except mainland United States and Canada following a huge earthquake that hit Japan on Friday, the U.S. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said. The warning includes Hawaii and extends from Mexico down to South American countries on the Pacific, the center said. (NOAA/Tsunami Warning Center/)#

This National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Global bathymetry map image released on March 11, 2011 shows features of the ocean floor depth (or bathymetry) from a NOAA ETOPO-1 dataset. The image shows the entire Western Pacific basin. Notice how abruptly the Japanese islands rise out of the ocean. Other coastal Asian areas have much more gradual slopes. The islands and mountain ranges throughout the ocean, visible in this imagery, also affect the tsunami travel time and speed. In the open ocean, tsunamis can travel at speeds up to 500 mph (800 kph). This momentum is what creates such a destructive force as the wave moves inland. Tsunami waves rolled thousands of miles across the Pacific Ocean after a massive earthquake off Japan and washed ashore in Hawaii early March 11, 2011, but the tourist hotspot appeared to escape major damage. As sirens blared and Hawaiian authorities rapidly evacuated low-lying areas, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center reported wave changes at Waianae Harbor at around 3:24 a.m. (NOAA/handout)#

A building is in flames near Sendai airport, Miyagi prefecture (state), Japan, after a powerful earthquake, the largest in Japan's recorded history, slammed the eastern coasts Friday, March 11. (Kyodo News/Associated Press) #

A helmeted man walks past the rubbles and a burning building after a powerful earthquake, the largest in Japan's recorded history, slammed the eastern coasts in Iwaki city, Fukushima prefecture, Japan. (Kyodo News/Associated Press) #

Giant fireballs rise from a burning oil refinery in Ichihara, Chiba Prefecture (state) after Japan was struck by a strong earthquake off its northeastern coast. (Kyodo News/Associated Press) #

An oncoming tsunami strikes the coast in Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture, northeastern Japan March 11, 2011. The biggest earthquake to hit Japan in 140 years struck the northeast coast on Friday, triggering a 10-metre tsunami that swept away everything in its path, including houses, cars and farm buildings on fire. (Reuters) #

Earthquake-triggered tsumanis sweep shores along Iwanuma in northern Japan. (Kyodo News/Associated Press) #

Fishing boats and vehicles are carried by a tsunami wave at Onahama port in Iwaki city, in Fukushima prefecture, northern Japan. (Fukushima Minpo/AFP/Getty Images) #

A tsunami, tidal wave smashes vehicles and houses at Kesennuma city in Miyagi prefecture, northern Japan. (AFP/Getty Images) #

Japan's Prime Minister Naoto Kan (center) reacts he he feels an earthquake as he attends a committee meeting in the upper house of parliament in Tokyo March 11. A massive 8.8 magnitude quake hit the northeast coast of Japan on Friday, shaking buildings in the capital Tokyo, causing "many injuries", at least one fire and triggering a four-metre (13-ft) tsunami, NHK television and witnesses reported. (Toro Hanai/Reuters) #

The owner of a ceramic shop checks his damaged wares following the massive 8.9-magnitude earthquake in Tokyo. (Yoshikazu Tsuno AFP/Getty Images) #

Broken windows of a building are seen after an earthquake in Tokyo , March 11, 2011. A massive 8.9 magnitude quake hit northeast Japan on Friday, causing many injuries, fires and a ten-metre (33-ft) tsunami along parts of the country's coastline. (Reuters) #

Rescue workers hurry to a building following reports of injuries in Tokyo's financial district after an earthquake hit off the coast of northern Japan. There were several strong aftershocks and a warning of a 10-metre tsunami following the quake, which also caused buildings to shake violently in the capital Tokyo. (Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters) #

An aerial shot shows vehicles ready for shipping being carried by a tsunami tidal wave at Hitachinaka city in Ibaraki prefecture on March 11, 2011. A massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake shook Japan, unleashing a powerful tsunami that sent ships crashing into the shore and carried cars through the streets of coastal towns. (AFP/Getty Images) #

This aerial shot shows the tsunami tidal waves moving upstream (left side) in the Naka river at Hitachinaka city in Ibaraki prefecture on March 11. (AFP/Getty Images) #

Houses, cars and other debris are washed away by tsunami tidal waves in Kesennuma in Miyagi Prefecture, northern Japan, after strong earthquakes hit the area Friday, March 11. (Keichi Nakane/Associated Press/The Yomiuri Shimbun) #

Houses swept by a tsunami smoulder near Sendai Airport. (Reuters) #

Stranded commuters wrap themselves in blankets bracing for chilly evening at a park in Yokohama, near Tokyo, following a strong earthquake hit eastern Japan on Friday, March 11. (Shuji Kajiyama/Associated Press) #

A woman checks a map to find a route as she takes a rest at a hotel lobby after subway and train services were suspended after an earthquake, in Tokyo. (Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters) #

Evacuees wait in an evacuation area following an earthquake in Tokyo, Japan, on Friday, March 11, 2011. Japan was struck by its strongest earthquake on record, an 8.9-magnitude temblor that shook buildings across Tokyo and unleashed a seven-meter-high tsunami that killed hundreds as it engulfed towns on the northern coast. (Haruyoshi Yamaguchi/Bloomberg) #

A man looks for supplies in a store in Tokyo that has almost sold out of food and drink as people are unable to return home after an earthquake March 11. (Yuriko Nakao/Reuters) #

Hotel employees squat down in horror at the hotel's entrance in Tokyo after a strong earthquake hit Japan. (Itsuo Inouye/Associated Press) #

Stranded commuters watch a TV news on a powerful earthquake at Tokyo railway station as train services are suspended in Tokyo. (Hiro Komae/Associated Press) #

Residents check the damage done on a road and house in Sukagawa city, Fukushima prefecture, in northern Japan. (Fukushima Minpo/AFP/Getty Images) #

Workers inspect a caved-in section of a prefectural road in Satte, Saitama Prefecture, after one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded in Japan slammed its eastern coast March 11. (Saitama Shimbun/Associated Press/Kyodo News) #

A station staff directs passengers at Tokyo's Shinagawa train station after a magnitude 8.9 earthquake slammed Japan's eastern coast. (Hiro Komae/Associated Press) #

Police place roadside flares along the highway on March 11 in Honolulu, Hawaii. An earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale has hit the northeast coast of Japan causing tsunami alerts throughout the Pacific Ocean. Thousands along the coast are evacuating their homes in Hawaii as the state prepares for tsunami waves. (Lucy Pemoni/Getty Images) #

Puipui Faletoi, of Moiliili, Oahu, background center, rests in his vehicle with his sons Daniel, left, and Fletcher Faletoi in the parking lot of Manoa District Park in Oahu, Hawaii. The site is a volunteer staging area which could turn into a Red Cross shelter if a tsunami arrives. The Faletoi family plan to take shelter here. (Rebecca Breyer/Associated Press)#

Students hold candles as they pray for Japan's earthquake victims inside their school in the western Indian city of Ahmedabad March 11. (Amit Dave/Reuters) #

A pedestrian road collapsed in the massive 8.9-magnitude earthquake in Urayasu city, Chiba prefecture on March 11. (Toshifumi Kitamura/AFP/Getty Images) #

A man sits wrapped in a blanket after he was evacuated from a building in Tokyo's financial district, after an earthquake off the coast of northern Japan, March 11. (Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters) #

Shores are submerged in Natori city, Miyagi prefecture (state), Japan, after a ferocious tsunami spawned by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded, slammed Japan's eastern coasts Friday, March 11, 2011. (Kyodo News) #

Vehicles are crushed by a collapsed wall at a carpark in Mito city in Ibaraki prefecture on March 11. (Jiji Press/AFP/Getty Images) #

Residents walk through the rubles of residents collapsed by a powerful earthquake in Iwaki, Fukushima prefecture Japan. (Kyodo News/Associated Press) #

This National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) image released on March 11, 2011 shows model runs from the Center for Tsunami Research at the NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory showing the expected wave heights of the tsunami as it travels across the Pacific basin. The largest wave heights are expected near the earthquake epicenter off Japan. The wave will decrease in height as it travels across the deep Pacific but grow taller as it nears coastal areas. In general, as the energy of the wave decreases with distance, the near shore heights will also decrease (e.g., coastal Hawaii will not expect heights of that encountered in coastal Japan). Tsunami waves rolled thousands of miles across the Pacific Ocean after a massive earthquake off Japan and washed ashore in Hawaii early March 11. (NOAA) #

Buildings burn in Yamada town, Iwate prefecture (state) after Japan's biggest recorded earthquake hit March 11. (Associated Press/The Yomiuri Shimbun) #